Hello, I am Anjila Tripathi

Quality Assurance Professional

I’m catching bugs and perfecting products with a sharp eye and a dash of flair!

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About me

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I ensure flawless functionality and seamless user experiences.

I’m a Quality Assurance professional with a keen eye for detail, specializing in designing and executing effective test plans. My expertise spans across manual and automated testing, and I’m passionate about ensuring that products are released with the highest level of quality. I thrive on finding and fixing bugs, driving innovation through continuous improvement, and delivering exceptional user satisfaction.

Hands-on Expertise

Creative Services

From manual testing to automation and performance testing, I’ve now set my sights on ensuring flawless product quality, where I’m driven to enhance user experiences through meticulous testing and quality assurance strategies.


Manual Testing

I kickstarted my career journey in manual testing, meticulously identifying and reporting bugs to ensure a flawless user experience. From creating test cases to thorough regression testing, I’m on it.


Automation Testing

I transitioned into automation testing, where I developed scripts to automate repetitive tasks and boost efficiency. Be it Selenium, Cypress, or any testing framework, I excelled.


Test Planning & Strategy

After my journey in automation, I ventured into test planning and strategy, combining technical and analytical skills to ensure comprehensive test coverage and seamless execution.


API Testing

Now, I’m diving into API testing, leveraging tools like Postman and REST Assured to ensure robust backend functionality and seamless integrations.


Performance Testing

Additionally, I specialize in performance testing. By analyzing system performance under load and stress, I help optimize response times and ensure reliability.


Quality Metrics & Reporting

I also have expertise in setting quality metrics and reporting. Now, I’m exploring advanced tools and methodologies to ensure continuous improvement in the QA process.

My Portfolio

Check Some of My Recent Work

Quality Assurance, Testing

QA Testing for Agriculture App

See details
Quality Assurance, Testing

Recipe App QA Testing

See details
Quality Assurance, Testing

Event App QA Testing

See details
My Resume

My Expertises

Meet a detail-driven and dedicated explorer of Quality Assurance. With an unyielding focus on excellence, I dive into every project, embracing challenges as opportunities to improve product quality. I never settle for less, constantly pushing boundaries to ensure flawless functionality and optimal user experiences in the ever-evolving tech landscape.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc. CSIT)

A CSIT Graduate from Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, Bagbazar.


Intermediate Level Education

Graduated from Gyankunj H.S.S., Ravibhawan, with a 3.36 CGPA.

Graduated 2018

School Level Education

Graduated from Gyankunj H.S.S., Ravibhawan, with a 3.70 GPA.

1st March- ongoing...

Quality Assurance Associate, Qniverse

Assisted in the execution of test cases, reported bugs, and collaborated with developers to ensure quality in various web and mobile applications.

1st Dec- 30th Feb ,2024

Quality Assurance Intern, Qniverse

Assisted in the execution of test cases, reported bugs, and collaborated with developers to ensure quality in various web and mobile applications.

1st Sept- 30th Nov,2023

Computer Vision Intern,TreeLeaf.ai

Dive headfirst into the depths of data, embracing every challenge as an opportunity to grow.

May,2023 to present

College Ambassador, Skill Lab

Inform and engage with students about ongoing activities such as trainings, vacancies and bootcamps facilitated by Skill Lab.

Jan,2023 to present

Treasurer, Code for Change-KTM

Managing the organization’s financial operations, examining processes and financial reporting, and providing the team with financial strategy advice.

Jan to Dec, 2022

Operational Lead, Code for Change-KTM

Documentation of events and programs, management and maintenance of those documents.

Jan- Dec, 2021

College Representative,Code for Change-KTM

Worked as Communication Officer for the organization to promote its values, vision, and objectives to IT students

My Skills

Why hire me for your next project?

My goal is to ensure your product meets the highest standards of quality, reliability, and performance, while fostering collaboration to streamline your development process.

Automation Testing (Selenium, Cypress)
Bug Tracking & Management (JIRA, Bugzilla)
API Testing (Postman, REST Assured)

What technologies do I excel at?

Cypress is an automated testing framework that simplifies end-to-end testing for web applications with a powerful, easy-to-use API.

Cypress | Udemy, Self study

Selenium is a versatile tool for automating web browsers, enabling comprehensive testing across different browsers and platforms.

Selenium | Coursera, Online resources

JIRA is a robust project management tool that helps track bugs and manage test cases, improving team collaboration and workflow.

JIRA | Atlassian University, Work experience

Postman is an API testing tool that streamlines the process of designing, testing, and managing APIs with its intuitive interface.

Postman | Self study, YouTube tutorials

Jenkins is a popular continuous integration tool that automates the build and testing process, enhancing software development workflows.

Jenkins | Online courses, Work experience

TestRail is a test case management tool that organizes and tracks testing activities, providing valuable insights into the quality of software.

TestRail | Self study, Professional use

Appium is an open-source tool for automating mobile applications, supporting both Android and iOS platforms for comprehensive mobile testing.

Appium | Udemy, Self study

Git is a version control system that tracks changes in code and collaborates efficiently with team members, essential for maintaining code quality.

Git | GitHub Learning Lab, Work experience

LoadRunner is a performance testing tool that simulates virtual users to assess application performance under various conditions.

LoadRunner | Online courses, Work experience

SOAP UI is a tool for testing SOAP and REST web services, providing comprehensive capabilities for API testing and analysis.

SOAP UI | Self study, Tutorials

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Recent Article

When I understand something I like to make a blog about it. It helps me understand better.

August 1, 2023
Decrypting Hackathons
July 13, 2023
CFC Codefest 2023